| Addition of a baffle plate thickener for a power plant Steag / REW Steag and RWE are operating the conventional power plant in Bergkamen. The limits for water inlet from the flue gas desulfurization unit to the river Lippe were intensified. |  |
The already existing wastewater treatment plant is not able to meet this limits anymore. A3 Water Solutions got the assignment to enlarge the existing wastewater treatment plant by adding a baffle plate thickener. |
 | Construction of a containerized MBR Plant for Dutch Army MinDef, Netherlands Construction of an A3 containerized MBR plant for the Dutch Army that operates in a military camp in Gao, Mali. |  |
The capacity of the plant is up to 30 m³/d. The plant effluent is reused locally to minimize external water consumption. |
| Second enlargement of a membrane plant to treat process water generated by textile industry Pongs, Mühltroff Seidenweberei Pongs GmbH operates a textile process plant in Mühltroff, Germany. The generated daily washing water from dyeing and other processes to treat cotton and synthetic fabrics is characterized by a high content in COD and BOD5. |  |
The process water is currently treated in an A3 membrane bioreactor (MBR). MaxFlow Membrane Filtration modules separate the sludge from the treated effluent. An expansion of the production has increased the daily process water amount. A3 Water Solutions GmbH was contracted for the second extension of the current MBR plant. |
| Construction of a flotation unit and a containerized MBR Plant for the Ministry of Electricity Iraq ENKA Engineering, procurement andconstruction for Najybia Gas Turbine Project for the Ministry of Electricity ofIraq. |  |
Ministry of Electricity of Iraq built a Gas Power Plant with 4 x 125 MW Gas Turbines in Basrah. A3 delivered a flotation unit and a containerized MBR plant for the Project. |
| Construction of an MBR Plant for the Treatment of Evaporator Condensates from Waste Drying Processes RegENT mbH The RegENT mbH is operating a biological drying plant for domestic waste at the location Mertesdorf. Until now, the arising evaporator condensate was treated in a membrane bioreactor plant equipped with "cross-flow" membrane modules. |  |
This plant was too small. It was not possible to upgrade it with additional membrane modules. They placed an order with A3 Water Solutions GmbH to plan and construct a plant with submerged MaxFlow Membrane Modules. |
 | Construction of an MBR wastewater treatment plant for the Indian Antarctic Station Bharati KAEFER Construction GmbH The Indian Antarctic Station Bharati will be equipped with a wastewater treatment plant on the basis of the MBR method (Membrane Bio-Reactor). In summer, the station is occupied by 40 people, and in winter, there are 15 people. |  |
A3 Water Solutions GmbH was assigned to plan and construct the compact wastewater treatment unit in a container. Additionally to the wastewater treatment plant, A3 Water Solutions GmbH also constructs the water treatment plant (RO) for this station. Download PDF (131 KB) |
| Construction of a wastewater pre-treatment plant for a slaughterhouse in Luxembourg Abattior Ettelbruck, Luxemburg The slaughterhouse Ettelbruck, Luxembourg, is being expanded. In future, 3,000 pigs, 600 piglets and 500 cattle are planned to be slaughtered there. |  |
Due to the expected strongly increasing quantities of wastewater and waste loads, it is planned to install a wastewater pre-treatment plant within the course of the expansion. A3 Water Solutions GmbH has been assigned to construct the pre-treatment plant consisting of wastewater sifting and a wastewater floatation plant with a capacity of 25 m3/h. |
| Construction of a demo plant for the recovery of phosphate from domestic sewage sludge Zweckverband der Stadt Offenburg In the demo plant, the recovery of the phosphates from sewage sludge shall be performed according to the Stuttgart method. |  |
First, the sewage sludge is acidified and then, it is pressed. Magnesia and caustic soda is added to precipitate MAP (Magnesium-Ammonium-Phosphate) the pressed water that can be used as phosphate source. The plant has a capacity of about 16 m3 sludge per day. A3 Water Solutions GmbH has been assigned to build the demo plant. |
 | Expansion of a containerized membrane bioreactor in Kunduz / Afghanistan EFA Hochbau GmbH Expansion of a containerized membrane bioreactor for the wastewater treatment of the military camp in Kunduz / Afghanistan |  |
An A3 Water Solutions’ GmbH containerized membrane plant has been in operation at the military camp in Kunduz / Afghanistan for the past years. Due to a steady increase of camp personnel, a plant capacity expansion of the existing plant from 450 to 1.350 soldiers was required. An additional containerized membrane bioreactor identical to the previous plant (double stack) was added to the existing plant. Download PDF (124 KB) |
 | Containerized MBR plant for a military camp Norwegian Army Containerized MBR plant for the Norwegian Army |  |
Purchase of an A3 containerized MBR plant for the Norwegian Army that operates in a military camp in Meymaneh, Afghanistan. The plant effluent is reused locally to minimize external water consumption. Download PDF (187 KB) |
 | Treatment of process water ESAROM Essenzenfabrik GmbH Delivery of a MBR plant for the treatment of process water |  |
ESAROM located in Oberrohrbach, Austria, is in the process of upgrading an existing wastewater treatment facility for their process water. The MBR plant was chosen based on the limited space that is available for the treatment facility and a planned increase in future production capacity. Download PDF (133 KB) |
 | Filtration container for food industry Triqua B.V. Containerized MBR plant for the treatment of wastewater generated by food industry |  |
Triqua constructs a MBR wastewater treatment plant for wastewater generated by the food industry. A3 Water Solutions GmbH manufactures the membrane stage (container equipped with membrane modules installed with multi-module guide rail systems). Download PDF (136 KB) |
 | MBR plant for the treatment of textile industry wastewater Pongs, Mühltroff MBR plant for the treatment of wastewater generated by textile industry |  |
Seidenweberei Pongs GmbH operates a textile process plant in Mühltroff, Germany. The generated daily washing water from dyeing and other processes to treat cotton and synthetic fabrics is characterized by a high content in COD and BOD5. The process water is currently treated in an A3 membrane bioreactor (MBR). MaxFlow Microfiltration modules separate the sludge from the treated effluent. An expansion of the production has increased the daily process water amount. A3 Water Solutions GmbH was contracted to expand the current MBR plant. Download PDF (129 KB) |
 | Replacement of a trickling filter by using MBR technology A3-USA, LLC Replacement of a conventional plant equipped with a trickling filter |  |
A3-USA, which is based in Pittsburgh, PA, received the order to provide a MBR plant for the community in Millheim, USA. The plant will replace an existing conventional treatment plant that is equipped with a trickling filter. A3 Water Solutions GmbH was involved in the basic design and provides MaxFlow membrane modules and other equipment for this project. Download PDF (170 KB) |
 | Wastewater treatment for a military camp Federal Office of Defense, Technology and Procurement Extension of a containerized MBR plant for the wastewater treatment for the military camp in Mazar-e-Sharif / Afghanistan |  |
The existing A3 MBR plant is expanded from a current capacity of 1,500 to 2,500 soldiers. The plant is pre-assembled and wired in 20’ shipping containers. A3 Water Solutions GmbH will also be responsible for the operation on site. Download PDF (129 KB) |
| Retrofit of containerized test pilot plants into MBR plants Vito Two containers of a conventional wastewater treatment plant are retrofitted to a Membrane Bioreactor pilot plant. |  |
Membrane modules from various manufactures will be used. The container is equipped with extensive monitoring equipment to document the treatment process. |
| Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis for an automobile industry supplier i+f process Construction of a nanofiltration and reverse osmosis plant for an automobile industry supplier |  |
Wastewater Treatment equipment including nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes for I + F Process GmbH who is supplying a process water treatment facility for an automobile industry supplier. |
| Wastewater treatment in military camps Dutch Army Planning and Installation of a containerized plant for wastewater treatment in military camps |  |
The wastewater in military camp of the Dutch Army in Tarin Kowt (Afghanistan) was collected and treated with a conventional activated sludge process. The effluent quality of this plant was insufficient and the capacity was to low. To become more and more autonomous, the Dutch Army ordered a mobile containerized wastewater treatment plant which the sewage is operated by MBR technology. The filtrate of the plant could be disposed directly. |
| Surface coating supplier i+f process Construction of a nanofiltration and reverse osmosis for surface coating supplier |  |
Water treatment equipment including nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes for I+F Process GmbH who is supplying a dipping bath plant for surface waters. |
| Anaerobic reactor for the purification of wastewater Milk-Snack Produktions GmbH Construction of an anaerobic reactor for the purification of wastewater arising in the food processing industries |  |
The existing anaerobic wastewater pretreatment plant operated by Milk-Snack Produktions GmbH is appropriately modified and expanded to satisfy prescribed future needs. |
| Robust ultrafiltration plant for the treatment of oxidation and soap baths used in vat dying processes Kettelhack GmbH & Co. KG In the framework of the Piwatex projects supported by BMBF the company of A3 Water Solutions GmbH in cooperation with Wuppertal University has developed a process for the treatment of the oxidation and soap bath of the pad-steam plant. |  |
Investigation results have shown that the process is well suited for integration into the production activities. Through bath treatment the service life of the baths increases substantially. Moreover, production plant cleaning periods and downtimes are significantly brought down and energy cost for hot water generation can be saved as well . The ultrafiltration unit linked with the pad-steam plant eliminates the vat dyestuffs and COD constituents contained in the liquid so that the resulting filtrate enhances the oxidation and soap bath characteristics on a permanent basis. |
 | Containerized water, effluent and sludge treatment Engineering Dobersek GmbH Combined potable water, effluent and sludge treatment plant of containerized construction in Siberia |  |
Engineering Dobersek GmbH has a project for the installation of a potable water treatment and effluent purification plant including sludge treatment to be located in Siberia. After the treatment the municipal wastewater is discharged into fishing water. The installation operates according to the membrane bioreactor technology with submerged MaxFlow membrane modules. All plant units are arranged in insulated and heated containers. |
 | Membrane bioreactor of containerized design for treatment of wastewater Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung Planning, construction and supply of a membrane bioreactor of containerized design for treatment of wastewater arising in the Mazar-e-Sharif encampment in Afghanistan |  |
Design, construction and supply of a complete container plant for the treatment of wastewater produced in the encampment of German Federal Armed Forces in Mazar-e-Sharif / Afghanistan. Construction of the plant is realized in two steps. Initially, the plant is designed to clean the effluent produced by 1,500 soldiers such that the discharge can either be reused or disposed of by direct percolation. The plant has been designed for modular expansion in steps of 500 p.e. up to a total of 3,000 p.e.. Aside from supplying the plant the company of A3 has also been contracted to provide operation services on site. Download PDF (129 KB) |
 | Planning and Installation of a containerized plant for waste water treatment in the military camp in Kunduz EFA Hochbau GmbH Design, construction and supply of a complete 20‘ container plant for the treatment of wastewater produced in the encampment of German Federal Armed Forces in Kunduz / Afghanistan. |  |
To improve the injection of atmospheric oxygen into the biological treatment section and make optimum use of the available space the plant has been designed as a double-deck container. The equipment is capable of appropriately treating the arising wastewater such that it can be directly disposed of locally by soakaway/percolation. Download PDF (124 KB) |
| Bilge water treatment Bilgenentölungsgesellschaft mbH Bilge water treatment aboard bilge water/oil separating vessels |  |
Bilge water arising in inland waterways vessels is collected by bilge water/oil separating vessels while normal ship operation continues. These vessels treat the oil-water mixture and discharge the cleaned water phase into the water. The oil is collected and disposed of via onshore systems. To satisfy requirements specified in Annex 27 of the Effluent Ordinance governing the discharge of water novel process technology had to be developed. A3 Water Solutions GmbH was commissioned to develop and implement this technical solution. |
 | Municipal wastewater treatment Linksniederrheinisch Entwässerungs-Genossenschaft LINEG Municipal wastewater treatment using containerized MBR technology |  |
The Xanten-Vynen effluent treatment plant had to be extended in terms of capacity. The additional effluent volume of a population equivalent of 2,000 is cleaned by means of containerized MBR technology in 2 double-deck 40’ container modules. The innovative, compact design enables oxygen to be introduced into the biological system most effectively through deep injection with minimum space requirements. The containers are completely manufactured in the factory and shipped to the site ready to be hooked up. In this way construction and commissioning times are considerably shortened, no civil /excavation work is required and the system can go onstream without delay. Download PDF (119 KB) |
| Postaeration tank for the food industry Nadler Feinkost GmbH Construction and supply of a postaeration tank with connection to a biofilter for the food industry |  |
To enable more stringent discharge requirements to be met the existing effluent treatment plant of the company of Nadler was supplemented by a post-aeration tank. The waste air from post-aeration is kept odorless with the help of a biofilter. |
| Brandenburg frigate Neue Jadewerft GmbH Reconstruction of the F 123 Brandenburg frigate |  |
In the course of farreaching F 123 frigate reconstruction work the on-board effluent treatment facilities, inter alia, are optimized. In the framework of this project A3 Water Solutions GmbH provides technical assistance throughout the reconstruction work, commissions the effluent treatment facilities and trains operating personnel. |
| Pilot plant with ceramic plate membranes ItN Modulkonzept GmbH Planning and installation of a pilot plant for testing of submerged ceramic membrane modules |  |
Planning and installation of a mobile pilot plant for testing of ceramic plate membrane modules in different wastewater. |
| Wastewater in the textile industry Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMB+F) Process optimization and recirculation of wastewater in the textile industry with robust ultrafiltration |  |
Planning and installation of a robust ultrafiltration unit for treating wastewater out of oxidation and soap baths to separate vat dye. The treated water will be reused. Because of the treatment, there is an enormous economizing in energy and basic materials. |
| Wastewater treatment in military camps Federal Office of Defense and Procurement, Germany Planning and Installation of a containerized plant for wastewater treatment in military camps |  |
The wastewater in military camps of the German Federal Armed Forces (grey and black water) was collected and disposed by local companies. To become more and more autonomous, the Federal Office of Defense and Procurement ordered a mobile containerized wastewater treatment plant which the sewage is operated by MBR technology. The filtrate of the plant could be disposed directly. |
| Treatment of compost leachate (Composting plant) Running a MBR pilot plant for treatment of compost leachate |  |
The leachate of the composting plant is collected in a tank and transported via truck to disposal. The MBR technology should replace this expensive disposal. The filtrate of the MBR unit has a high quality and is sanitary clean. Therefore it could be reused e.g. as industrial water. |
| Mixing and equalizing tank HESE-Umwelt Planning of a mixing and equalizing tank |  |
Planning of a mixing and equalizing tank with a volume of 150 m³. The collected wastewater will be used for flue gas neutralization. |
| Treatment and recirculation of wasterwater Federal Environmental Agency, Germany Planning and installation of a MRB for treatment and recirculation of wasterwater from fish farms |  |
Treatment of wastewater from fish farms with MBR for reusing. Due to the high quality of the filtrate, a complete generation of fishs should grow without any water exchange. |
| Wastewater treatment system on naval service ships Federal Office of Defense and Procurement, Germany Feasibility study for modification of the wastewater treatment system on the naval service ships FD 423 of the German Navy |  |
The existing wastewater treatment plants on board of the naval service ships FD 423 are not up to date. In the feasibility study it was checked to replace the existing plants with a MBR in combination with a vacuum unit. |
| Pilot plant for sewage treatment MUN-LV NRW and University of Bochum Planning, installation and operation of a pilot plant for sewage treatment with new microfiltration modules |  |
Over the period of 3 years, in this research project the economic operation of a MBR with a new membrane module is tested. In a plant with 2 sections, the sewage of approx. 1,300 people with 640 m² installed membrane area is treated. The filtrate could be discharged in compliance with the EU-Directive for bathing water. |
| MAP-Pilot plant Federal Office of Defense and Procurement, Germany Installation of a MAP-Pilot plant |  |
Magnesium-Ammonium-Phosphate (MAP) could be used for the elimination of nitrogen. With this pilot plant the economical production of the longterm fertilizer MAP from sewage will be demonstrated. The recycling of the botanical nutrients nitrogen and phosphorous in a transportable condition shows the potential of this trend-setting technology. |
| Wastewater treatment system Federal Office of Defense and Procurement, Germany Feasibility study for modifacation of the wastewater treatment system on the frigates F 122 of the German Navy |  |
The existing wastewater treatment plants on board of the naval service ships F 122 are not up to date. In this feasibility study it was checked to replace the existing plants with a MBR and to show the economical retrofitting of the given systems. |
| Treatment of textile wastewater Dr. Weßling Beratende Ingenieure/Textil- und Bekleidungsverband Nord-West Planning and installation of a plant for treatment of textile wastewater |  |
In this project, called PIWATEX, a containerized treatment plant for textile wastewater is planned and installed. The system is based on MBR and the filtrate is reused as process water. |
| Planning and installation of a MBR plant for cleaning textile wastewater Pongs The wastewater with a high amount of size is already treated in a plant and is transported to a nearby sewage plant. Because of the retrofitting with microfiltration modules, the wastewater could be discharged directly into an on-site tank preflooder. | |
| Installation and operation of a remote monitoring system for the “SSS Gorch Fock” Federal Office of Defense and Procurement, Germany Together with ITENOS GmbH, a sub-company of the Dt. Telekom, the sewage plant of the SSS Gorch Fock of the German Navy was equipped with a bi-directional remote monitoring system. |  |
The system used INMARSAT B and the master control station at A3 Water Solutions GmbH. |
| Fermental waste from biogas plants Hese Umwelt GmbH Development and testing of a new treatment technology plant for fermental waste from agricultural and industrial biogas plants |  |
The project deals with development and testing of treatment for fermental waste from of agricultural and industrial biogas plants. This new technology combines the processes of ultrafiltration, Magnesium-Ammonium-Phosphate (MAP) precipitation, MBR and reverse osmosis. The recycling of the botanical nutrients nitrogen and phosphorous in a transportable condition shows the potential of this trend-setting technology. |
| Mixing and equalizing tank Textile industry Retrofitting of a mixing and equalizing tank |  |
An open mixing and equalizing tank in the textile industry was closed and aerated to avoid exhalation emissions and to prevent sulfate corrosion. Further more a biofilter was installed. |
| Wastewater treatment plant on the “SSS Gorch Fock” VA TECH WABAG, Germany Planning and installation of a wastewater treatment plant on the “SSS Gorch Fock” (German Navy) |  |
Planning, installation and commissioning of a new wastewater treatment plant by MBR on the SSS Gorch Fock was made by A3 Water Solutions GmbH. |
| Installation and commissioning of two wastewater treatment plants on ships VA TECH WABAG, Germany Two MBR plants in the MEMROD project for wastewater treatment on ships were installed and commissioned. | |
| Optimization of an industrial wastewater treatment plant and installation of a precipitation unit Zweckverband Wasser/Abwasser Vogtland ZWAV An optimization for a wastewater treatment plant in the cosmetics industry was planned. In the future, a MBR and a precipitation unit will implement into the system. As a first step, the three-stage precipitation unit was installed. | |